Sunday, November 4, 2012

Bite Sized Thanksgiving? Yay, or No Way?

In a 2011 issue of WV Living Magazine, Publisher/Editor Nikki Bowman dished up a delectable Thanksgiving meal. This isn't just some ordinary Thanksgiving spread, however. This menu is chock-full of delectable finger foods and bite-sized recipes your family and friends will love. No more are the days of sinks full of dirty dinner plates and silverware. No more are the days of feeling so full you're afraid the top button of your pants is going to pop right off (assuming you didn't think ahead and throw on a pair of elastic waist-band sweatpants or a comfortable, loose cotton skirt). This bite-sized, "mini-meal" is perfect for a big family Thanksgiving dinner because everyone can just grab a shooter of soup or Thanksgiving dinner in a glass and off they go! There's the added perk, too, that bite-sized meals are so on trend, so this Thanksgiving consider a whole new concept for the Thanksgiving is just a glimpse of some ideas for Turkey Day Gone Bite Sized!

Let us know what you think of this concept.  Too avant garde for you, or are you always willing to test the new trends?  Give us a call for help with your Thanksgiving feast, be it teeny tiny or gargantuan! 


  1. I think that's a very clever idea but I am sure I would eat more than I should because they are so tiny. On the other hand, it would allow me to "taste" many different things.
