It'll be here before you know it...Graduation! Just for fun we decided to share a few unique (and traditional) ideas to make your son or daughters party more memorable!
What's your major? If your son or daughter has decided on a college major or other type of career, play on this to create a fun and memorable party. Here are some ideas to get you started:
Theater: Create a "stage" as a backdrop for a photo gallery of the graduate in his/her school plays. Purchase a real Hollywood clapper at a novelty store and write in details of the party on it. Place inexpensive masks on the tables as party favors. Hang movie posters or pictures of the graduate's favorite actor in the room. (You can find several movie posters at on ebay!) Serve fancy finger foods and non-alcoholic champagne.
Medical: A visit to your local medical supply store will make your decorating a breeze. Inflate surgical gloves for "balloons." Guests can sign tongue depressors and add words of wisdom for the graduate. Place anatomical posters and models throughout the area. Inexpensive play doctor kits can be used for table centerpieces. Serve food hospital cafeteria style with vending machine munchies in wicker baskets.
Law: Place legal pads near the entry for guests to sign in and add words of wisdom. Velcro "legal briefs" (men's briefs) along the front of the food tables. A brief case can house the graduation cards. Stick legal "red tape" down the center of each table. Construct a makeshift witness stand for guests to sit in and have their picture taken for the graduate to keep. Serve traditional fare or Chinese "take out" for attorneys burning the midnight oil.
Military: Decorate with plenty of flags and a red, white and blue color scheme. Throw in some camouflage napkins or tablecloths. A couple bags of plastic army men, tanks, helicopters and other military toys can be scattered on the tables. Serve the buffet mess hall style.
Business/Financial: Fill inexpensive brief cases with plastic cutlery on the buffet table. Scatter play money on the tables with toy cell phones. Purchase personal business cards for guests to sign and add words of wisdom. Serve traditional fare with virgin cocktails and candy "Tums," as stressed-out business people have a lot of stomach trouble!
Teaching: Place rulers with quotes about education on the tables for guests to take home. Visit for quotes. Be sure to place plenty of shiny apples in bowls for centerpieces. Post educational posters (found at teacher supply stores) in the party area, and have a desk and journal at the entry to serve as a guest sign in. Serve paper sack lunches with a variety of juice boxes, sodas and milk in pint-size cartons.
Journalist: Place an old typewriter with plenty of paper nearby for guests to type their sentiments. These papers can later be placed in a folder for the graduate to keep. Pencils and pads of paper with the graduate's name and graduation date can be inscribed for party favors. A pizza buffet is well suited for the journalist who eats on the run to cover the hot stories.
Sports: Pennants, sports equipment, magazine covers, posters and photos of the graduate playing sports are great for decorating the area. Borrow or rent large grills to cook hot dogs, hamburgers and brats. Offer peanuts in small paper bags. You may also want to rent a popcorn machine or cotton candy maker to further enhance the sports stadium atmosphere.
Traditional Ideas
If your graduate prefers a more traditional party, here are a few more ideas:- Send invitations in the form of diplomas.
- Cover a wall with black construction paper to create a "blackboard." Leave chalk for guests to scribble notes for the graduate to read and treasure later.
- Suspend graduation caps from the ceiling as if they were thrown in the air.
Thanks for sharing these Graduation party ideas. Was really in need of such ideas as have to throw my niece a graduation party at one of local LA venues. Will use your ideas in preparing it. Will try to make this day as her best day of life.