Monday, January 28, 2013

Weird Food Combinations!

Ketchup sandwiches. Peanut butter and Bologna. Scrambled eggs and grape jelly...We all have weird cravings and our favorite odd food combinations that we think are absolutely delicious but sound gross to other people.
For me it's toast with peanut butter and pickles (or bacon).  I can picture my husband gagging right now...but trust me, it's delicious!

Which weird foods do you eat that other people find utterly revolting?
Embarrassed to admit your favorite odd food combination? C'mon, it's cathartic!
Check out these strange food combos I gathered from friends as inspiration:
  1. Mashed potatoes and noodles with gravy.
  2. Gravy and biscuits with grape jelly.
  3. Peanut butter and mayo sandwiches.
  4. Chocolate cake with pinto beans.
  5. Hollowed-out pickles filled with ranch dressing and cheese.
  6. Garlic bread topped with peanut butter and spaghetti.
  7. Peanut butter and cucumber sandwiches.
  8. Eggs with Spam and white rice.
  9. Doritos dipped in cream cheese.
  10. Sugar and grits.
  11. Popcorn and mustard.
  12. Pancakes and ketchup.
  13. Frito's and caramel sauce.
  14. Peanut butter and Cool Ranch Doritos sandwiches.
  15. Peanut butter and ham sandwiches.
  16. Uncooked pasta dipped in peanut butter.
  17. Cream cheese with jam on toast.
  18. Chocolate chip cookies with cottage cheese.
  19. Potato chips dipped in mustard.
  20. Pizza dipped in ranch dressing.
Is it wrong that most of these sound delicious to me?
What is the weirdest thing that you eat?

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